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Crazy Idea
  FlameExile, Mar 19 2010

Guys, and girls I wanna know first off not poker related what do you think of my idea.
To get my girlfriend to fuck my at this place called "Pathe" A dutch chain of movietheaters.
On the toilet and get caught by one of the staff members. I got this "pathe" Unlimited card wich lets my go to an unlimited
amount of movie every month for 18 euro's. They conviscate my unlimited card, but probaly still charge my 18 euro's next month. And thats when I'll sue them for at least the 18 euro's they got from my and from wich I never saw a new movie..

And second question I dont play 2 much poker online ( I want to play more ) I want to change from pokerstars to fulltilt..except from the rakeback you guys have any why to change or not change ??

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